TOEBI annual meeting 2017 at University College Cork

The annual TOEBI meeting will take place at University College Cork on 21st October 2017. This year’s theme is ‘Old English Across Borders’ (see below). Registration is open at the following link:

TOEBI 2017 ‘Old English across Borders’
Saturday 21st Oct, North Wing Council Room, Main Quad, University College Cork

9:15 – 11:15 Teaching across Disciplines
Elizabeth Boyle (Maynooth University), ‘Old English in a University without Old English’

Jacqueline Cordell and Katrina Wilkins (University of Nottingham), ‘Crossing Academic Boundaries: Linking Literary Linguistics to Old English Literature and Pedagogy’

Colleen Curran and Daniel Thomas (University of Oxford), ‘The CLASP Project as a Teaching Tool for Anglo-Latin and Old English Poetry’

Thijs Porck and Krista A. Murchison (Leiden University), ‘The Leiden University Old English ColloQuest: A Digital Teaching Edition with Adaptive Glosses’

11:15 – 11:45 Coffee Break

11:45 – 1:15 Literary Boundaries

Robin Norris (Carleton University), ‘Crossing Borders in Old English Hagiography’
Frances McCormack (National University of Ireland, Galway), ‘The Contours of Compunction in Old English Poetry’

Caroline Batten (University of Oxford), ‘A Cure for the Harm of Another Poison’: Bodily and Social Boundaries in the Poetics of the Metrical Charms’

LUNCH – 1:15 – 2:30 (TOEBI Committee Meeting)

2:30 – 3:45 Locating Borders

Neville Mogford (Royal Holloway), ‘On a Road to Nowhere: Describing the Use of the Word mearcland’

Margaret Tedford (Queen’s University Belfast), ‘Drawing Lines and Blurring Borders: Negotiating Boundaries on the Anglo-Saxon Cotton Map’

Richard North (UCL), ‘South of the border: King Cynewulf’s death in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (s.a. 755)’

3:45 – 4:30 Crossing Borders

Helen McKee (Royal Holloway), ‘Battling Across Borders: The Battle of Brunanburh and Armes Prydein’

Carl Phelpstead (Cardiff University), ‘‘On Both Sides’: Anglo-Saxonism, Autobiography, and Offa’s Dyke’

4:30 – 4:45 Comfort Break

4:45 – 6 Report from Committee and Round Table: Current Issues in Old English

Christine Rauer (University of St Andrews), ‘The Implications of Brexit for Teachers of Old English’

Laura Creedon (UCC), ‘GYB: Grab your bælc (and leave it at the door) – Addressing Female Scholars in Anglo-Saxon Studies’

Clare Lees (King’s College London), ‘On Listening and Looking to the Future: Learning from Postgraduates and Early Career Researchers in Old English’

6pm – Wine Reception

7:30pm – Dinner at La Dolce Vita