Category Archives: Events

Past TOEBI meetings
Past meetings have been held in Belfast (2013), Hull (2012, minutes), Cardiff (2011), Leicester (2010), St Andrews (2009), Nottingham (2008), Cambridge (2007), Leicester (2006), Belfast (2005), Manchester (2004), Royal Holloway College (2003), Glasgow (2002), Leeds (2001), and Nottingham (2000).

Call for Papers for TOEBI 2025

The TOEBI Annual Meeting for 2025 will be held on Saturday, 25 October 2025, at University College Dublin.

The theme of the Annual Meeting is “Education and Early Medieval England”. We welcome papers on any aspect of education, pedagogy, and Old English, including both medieval pedagogy and our current educational practices. Possible topics could include:

  • pedagogical techniques for teaching Old English grammar in a modern classroom
  • approaches to teaching Old English literature
  • teaching Old English literature in modern English
  • negotiating space for Old English language and/or literature in today’s curriculum
  • educational practices in early medieval England
  • the early medieval classroom

TOEBI is a supportive and collegial conference, open to anyone involved in the teaching of Old English at any level. We welcome abstracts for a range of presentation formats, including traditional 20-minute research papers, poster sessions, 5-10 minute lightning talks, creative presentations, round tables, and participatory workshops.

Please submit an abstract (c.200 words) and paper title to the conference organizer Rebecca Stephenson ( by Friday, 2 May 2025.

Confirmed speakers:
• Alice Jorgensen
• Lindy Brady

An online workshop “Tricks of the Trade: Professional Priorities and Personal Presentation.”

Early Career Researchers who attend will be offered a special online workshop led by TOEBI President, Elaine Treharne, on building your CV, presenting your work and preparing for the international job market.


Conference bursaries are available to support Early Career Researchers and Independent Scholars.

Call for Papers for TOEBI 2024

The TOEBI Annual Meeting for 2024 will be held on Saturday, September 7th, 2024, at Edge Hill University, Ormskirk, Lancashire.

The theme of the Annual Meeting is “Borders and Boundaries“. We welcome papers on any aspect of borders, boundaries, and Old English, including:
-marginalia and fragmentary texts in Old English
-temporal boundaries between Old and Middle English
-teaching Old English in cross-listed modules
-geographical boundaries
-disciplinary boundaries
-pedagogical boundaries and teaching ‘on the edge’
-any other boundaries you can imagine!

TOEBI is a supportive and collegial conference, open to anyone involved in the teaching of Old English at any level. We welcome abstracts for a range of presentation formats, including but not limited to:
-traditional 20-minute research papers
-poster sessions
-5-10 minute ‘lightning talks’
-creative presentations
-participatory workshops

Please submit an abstract and title to the conference organisers Lindy Brady ( and Rebecca Stephenson ( by Friday, May 31, 2024.


Conference bursaries are available to support Early Career Researchers and Independent Scholars.

TOEBI Conference 2023 – Registration

The annual TOEBI meeting will take place at the University of Birmingham on 9th September 2023. This year’s theme is ‘Adaptation’. Registration is now open via the University of Birmingham’s website until 17th August 2023. Fee options below:

  • Graduate students/recent PhDs/independent scholars without a full-time post – £10.00
  • Participants with full-time posts – £20.00

A draft version of the conference programme is also available here.

TOEBI Call for Papers and Bursary Deadline Extended

We are extending the deadline for the TOEBI conference on ‘Adaptation’, which will take place at the University of Birmingham’s city centre venue, The Exchange, on 9th September 2023. In particular, we are looking for 1-2 more lightning talks (5-10 mins) and 1-2 more papers (20 mins) by early career researchers.
The original call for papers is available to view and download online: TOEBI 2023 CFP

Please send your abstracts to Dr Megan Cavell ( and Dr Lindy Brady ( 10th July 2023, indicating the type of talk/paper you would like to give and the affiliation you would like listed on the programme.

Please note that we have up to five bursaries of £100 to TOEBI members who are graduate students or recent PhDs without a full-time post. This deadline has also been extended: applications should be sent to Dr Daria Izdebska, by 10th July 2023.

The application form for the conference bursary is available to download here: TOEBI Bursary Application Form.

TOEBI Conference Bursaries 2023

In 2023 we are offering five bursaries of £100 to TOEBI members who are graduate students or recent PhDs without a full-time post to present at the annual TOEBI conference hosted by the University of Birmingham on Saturday 9th September 2023. Bursaries will be made to presentations accepted for the conference on a first-come basis.

Applications should be sent to Dr Daria Izdebska, by the 10th July 2023.

TOEBI Bursary Application Form

Call for Papers for TOEBI 2023

The TOEBI Annual Meeting for 2023 will be held on Saturday, 9th September 2023, at the University of Birmingham.

The theme of the Annual Meeting is “Adaptation“. Papers on any aspect of the above theme are welcome, including but not limited to the following topics:

  • Adaptation theory and Old English
  • Creative translation
  • Old English and film, novels, new media, etc.
  • Engaging with audiences outside of higher ed
  • Teaching adaptations of Old English texts
  • Teaching texts in translation
  • Adapting teaching methods
  • New assessment methods
  • Keeping our discipline alive in a challenging higher ed landscape

We welcome interest in 20-minute papers and roundtables, as well as less traditional presentation types, such as: 5-minute lightning talks, performances, group-led workshops, etc. If you have any ideas, feel free to run them by us in advance! Abstracts of no more than 200 words are due to Dr Megan Cavell ( and Dr Lindy Brady ( by 10th July 2023.


Call for Papers for TOEBI 2021

The TOEBI Annual Meeting for 2021 will be held on 27 November 2021online from the National University of Ireland Galway. 

The theme of the Meeting is “Feeling and Sense”. Papers on any aspect of the above theme are welcome including, but not limited to, the following topics:

  • emotions
  • feelings
  • affect
  • the senses
  • pedagogies of empathy. 

Please send abstracts of no more than 200 words for 20-minute papers to by 2nd August, 2021

TOEBI annual meeting 2017 at University College Cork

The annual TOEBI meeting will take place at University College Cork on 21st October 2017. This year’s theme is ‘Old English Across Borders’ (see below). Registration is open at the following link:

TOEBI 2017 ‘Old English across Borders’
Saturday 21st Oct, North Wing Council Room, Main Quad, University College Cork

9:15 – 11:15 Teaching across Disciplines
Elizabeth Boyle (Maynooth University), ‘Old English in a University without Old English’

Jacqueline Cordell and Katrina Wilkins (University of Nottingham), ‘Crossing Academic Boundaries: Linking Literary Linguistics to Old English Literature and Pedagogy’

Colleen Curran and Daniel Thomas (University of Oxford), ‘The CLASP Project as a Teaching Tool for Anglo-Latin and Old English Poetry’

Thijs Porck and Krista A. Murchison (Leiden University), ‘The Leiden University Old English ColloQuest: A Digital Teaching Edition with Adaptive Glosses’

11:15 – 11:45 Coffee Break

11:45 – 1:15 Literary Boundaries

Robin Norris (Carleton University), ‘Crossing Borders in Old English Hagiography’
Frances McCormack (National University of Ireland, Galway), ‘The Contours of Compunction in Old English Poetry’

Caroline Batten (University of Oxford), ‘A Cure for the Harm of Another Poison’: Bodily and Social Boundaries in the Poetics of the Metrical Charms’

LUNCH – 1:15 – 2:30 (TOEBI Committee Meeting)

2:30 – 3:45 Locating Borders

Neville Mogford (Royal Holloway), ‘On a Road to Nowhere: Describing the Use of the Word mearcland’

Margaret Tedford (Queen’s University Belfast), ‘Drawing Lines and Blurring Borders: Negotiating Boundaries on the Anglo-Saxon Cotton Map’

Richard North (UCL), ‘South of the border: King Cynewulf’s death in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (s.a. 755)’

3:45 – 4:30 Crossing Borders

Helen McKee (Royal Holloway), ‘Battling Across Borders: The Battle of Brunanburh and Armes Prydein’

Carl Phelpstead (Cardiff University), ‘‘On Both Sides’: Anglo-Saxonism, Autobiography, and Offa’s Dyke’

4:30 – 4:45 Comfort Break

4:45 – 6 Report from Committee and Round Table: Current Issues in Old English

Christine Rauer (University of St Andrews), ‘The Implications of Brexit for Teachers of Old English’

Laura Creedon (UCC), ‘GYB: Grab your bælc (and leave it at the door) – Addressing Female Scholars in Anglo-Saxon Studies’

Clare Lees (King’s College London), ‘On Listening and Looking to the Future: Learning from Postgraduates and Early Career Researchers in Old English’

6pm – Wine Reception

7:30pm – Dinner at La Dolce Vita