NEW: TOEBI 2018: Contacts
Saturday 20 October, University of Oxford
Conference CFP is available for download: TOEBI.2018.CFP
NEW: TOEBI 2018: Contacts
Saturday 20 October, University of Oxford
Conference CFP is available for download: TOEBI.2018.CFP
University of Nottingham, June 14, 2017
In collaboration with the Poetics and Linguistics Association (PALA), the University of Nottingham’s Stylistics and Discourse Analysis Group in the Centre for Research in Applied Linguistics (CRAL) invite abstracts for a one-day symposium exploring the intersection of stylistics and early English literatures.
Abstracts of 250 words should be submitted by 27 February 2017. Full details can be found in the PDF document here. For further information, please contact
Katrina Wilkins at
Submitted by Katrina Wilkins, University of Nottingham
There’s still time — just under one month — to submit an abstract for the forthcoming two-day conference ‘Architectural Representation in the Middle Ages’. This is an interdisciplinary conference spanning the whole of the medieval period in Britain and on the Continent, but we are of course very keen to have plenty of Anglo-Saxon representation. We’re understanding ‘Architectural Representation’ as broadly as possible, so if you have anything that you want to say that you think will come under that heading, we’re ready to believe you. For more information, or any questions, please feel free to email or
Download a poster with more information.
Submitted by Daniel Thomas, Oxford University
We are pleased to announce the call for papers for Borderlines XXI: Authority in the Medieval and Early Modern World. This conference will be held in University College Cork, 14-16 April 2017. Proposals for both papers and panels are welcomed from postgraduate and postdoctoral researchers in the fields of both Medieval and Early Modern studies.
CFP is here.
Submitted by Patricia O Connor, University College Cork
In collaboration with the Poetics and Linguistics Association (PALA), the University of Nottingham’s Stylistics and Discourse Analysis Group in the Centre for Applied Linguistics (CRAL) invite abstracts for a one-day symposium exploring the intersection of stylistics and early English literatures.
Approaching the historical: a symposium of Early Modern and Medieval stylistics (SEMMS)
June 14, 2017
University of Nottingham
Call for Papers is here.
Submitted by Katrina Wilkins and Jacqueline Cordell, University of Nottingham
The 2nd Biennial Crossing Borders in the Insular Middle Ages conference will be held at the University of Birmingham, 3-5 April 2017, with keynote lectures from Carolyne Larrington and Máire Ní Mhaonaigh. The conference series is designed to facilitate dialogue between scholars working in English, Celtic and Scandinavian Studies, with a mind to connective and comparative approaches. The CFP is here.
Submitted by Victoria Flood.
The annual TOEBI meeting will take place at King’s College London on 22nd October 2016. This year’s theme is ‘Performance, Pedagogy and the Profession’ (see below). Registration is open via the King’s College London online store.
The TOEBI annual conference will take place at Trinity College Dublin on Saturday 10th October 2015.
Online registration is now open. Please register by the end of September at
Confirmed programme is at
If you would prefer not to pay online, please get in touch with Alice Jorgensen at
The organisers have booked a meal on the Saturday evening for anyone who is interested. The day’s programme should be over by 5.30, so an early dinner at 6.15pm was booked in The Farm restaurant on Dawson Street. We’ll take advantage of the Early Bird menu, which is €22.95 for two courses or €26.95 for three (see the menu). Please email Alice Jorgensen if you’d like to come along to the dinner.
The poster may be downloaded here: TOEBI Dublin CFP 2015
Submitted by Sara M. Pons-Sanz
The London Anglo-Saxon Symposium (LASS) aims to provide a forum for the multidisciplinary discussion of Anglo-Saxon topics in a relaxed and engaging atmosphere. LASS brings together internationally renowned experts and interested members of the public, an interaction that promises to be highly informative and enjoyable for everyone involved.
This year’s LASS will take place on Wednesday 11h of March (afternoon) in Senate House and will focus on the topic ‘Constructing Gender in Anglo-Saxon England’. For further information about the programme and registration details, please visit
A spectacular exhibition, ‘Travelling in the Middle Ages’, mounted in collaboration with museums in Florence, Catalonia and Cologne, is running in Musée de Cluny in Paris from 22 October 2014 to 23 February 2015 ( The exhibition illustrates many aspects of travel in the Middle Ages, and different motivations for travel, such as pilgrimage, war, exploration and social aspirations. The choice of exhibits is highly imaginative and includes manuscripts, maps, fragments of a medieval boat, personal objects, such as clothing, trunks, amulets and portable candle holders, as well as tapestries, paintings and sculpture depicting travel. Among the objects on display are a signet ring of the Black Prince and a Viking Age memorial stone with an inscription in runes. Undoubtedly the most important exhibit from the point of view of an Anglo-Saxonist is the Codex Amiatinus (click on image below), an enormous Vulgate pandect made at Monkwearmouth-Jarrow under the direction of Abbot Ceofrith, now in the Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana in Florence. This Bible known for exceptional quality of its text and execution is 250mm thick and weighs over 34kg.